It’s that dreaded time of year again…you know what I’m talking about, right? That time of year when half the office is calling out sick as you try your best to dodge the consistent attack of coughing and sneezing coming from every direction.

That’s right people, it’s cold and flu season.

Our immune systems are under attack and it’s time to take a stance!

Luckily, maintaining vibrant health doesn’t have to be hard or time-consuming. Incorporating these 5 simple tips will help your immune system get in tip-top shape to ward off any unwanted visitors.

  1. Start your morning with warm water and lemon.

Rehydrate, recharge, and get your body ready to tackle the day with an added boost of Vitamin C from the lemon.

  1. Stay hydrated.

Starting your morning with hydration is great, but it’s just as important to continue this practice throughout the rest of your day. Hydration, primarily with water or tea, is the easiest way to consistently detox our bodies and maintain the right internal environment for our immune systems to thrive.

  1. Get enough sleep.

In a world full of distractions, bright screen lights, and stress – it’s important to give our bodies due time to rest and reset. Take steps at night to relax your mind and body – a hot shower, some light reading, and phones away from reach. 

  1. Eat plenty of fruits and vegetables.

Your body needs the right nutrients and antioxidants to defend itself – and those nutrients are found in fresh, whole foods. Don’t shy away from eating plenty of fruits and veggies with every meal!

  1. Incorporate healing spices into your meals.

Turmeric, cumin and coriander, among others, are widely used in functional/Ayurvedic medicine for immunity. Spices contain unique antioxidants and healing properties to promote wellness – all while adding flavor and life to your food!

Written by: Gina Campanella, Dietetic Intern