Are you trying to stay healthy amidst this virus outbreak? I am no expert on the virus that’s for sure, but I can provide you with information on how to keep your immune system functioning properly. These foods and nutrients are good all year round to stay healthy. However, in the event that you are exposed or worried about contacting the virus include the following foods:

Eat more foods (fresh or frozen) containing vitamin C: citrus fruits, bell peppers, cauliflower, kiwi, broccoli and strawberries.

Coconut water –for hydration and natural potassium an electrolyte that can help keep up your energy levels when fighting a virus. Plus it has antioxidants to fight oxidative damage.

Bananas are helpful if you have lack of appetite or a sore throat. They are good when you are sick because of the vitamins and minerals like potassium, magnesium, vitamin C and vitamin B6 which all help strengthen our immunity by increasing white blood cell production your body’s natural defense system. (Beth Warren Nutrition)

Go to foods for zinc and selenium rich foods, beans, lentils, cashews, shellfish, seeds and wheat grains and eggs.

Omega 3’s rich foods salmon, chia seeds sardines and mackerel.

Lastly, incorporate stress-relieving activities in your daily routine and try to avoid alcohol and refined sugars and don’t forget to wash your hands.